a) The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the many "malfunctions", harassments and “barbouzeries” that I have suffered continuously for over twenty (20) years in all areas (private and professional spheres) - obviously with impunity, until this day.
I add that I am legitimate to speak on this subject, as a direct witness, and a non-consenting victim of this system.
The rest of the remarks are very watered down in relation to the reality of the facts.
b) the authors: individuals gathered in occult organizations and their accomplices, who act exclusively in the occult.
(c) the sole motivation of these individuals and their assault: money in all its forms and by all means, namely:
- Misappropriation of patrimonies and money (public and / or private),- All accompanied by money laundering, in order to evade taxes. (Article 324-1 of the French Penal Code).
d) their method:
- use, under duress and terror, the skills of experienced "specialists" - particularly tax specialists - via sectarian techniques; in particular by the sudden and inexplicable break with the family environment;- by means of the procedures pertaining to the abuse of weakness (Art.L.223-15-2 of the French Penal Code).- thus leading to a disappearance of the individual and his break with all normal social life.
The historians of Greek antiquity thus denounced this method: "... in the most serious forms ... then resorted to what was considered the absolute sanction: ostracism ....... (this method) resulted in the fast withering of the subject excluded from the human community "(Yves PRIGENT - Ordinary cruelty - p. 58 - Ed. Desclée de Brouwer - 2004)This proves that the targeted occult organizations have not invented anything, in terms of psychological destruction.Moreover, the situation is worse, when in their great paranoia, these occult organizations feel they have the right to have control of the lives of some state officials in the name of a power they conferred illegally.This situation is all the more surrealistic, since all this is very far from the Statute of the Public Service..........!!!!!!!!When we attack a French official, it is the French state that we attack!!!!!!
e) The serious consequences of this "system" totally illegal, both in terms of the individual and the plan of French society:
- At the human level, these occult organizations destroy individuals - psychologically and physically - characteristic of sectarian methods; hence the interest for the latter to resort to the service of “ barbouzes”.- At the state and economic level, they have largely contributed to the exponential growth of France's budget deficits over the last forty (40) years.
a) The problem :
On the one hand, the need to reduce public deficits leads to increase tax revenues, by taxing the middle class.
The main consequence is the reduction of the purchasing power of the French; hence the current malaise of French society.
How to remedy this situation?
b) On the other hand, the European and international authorities have provided a solution to this problem, via a set of directives aimed at combating money laundering - at the origin of these public deficits.
1) Make the "disappeared" reappear; it is the least that can be expected from a State which regularly and globally presents itself as the champion of human rights.
This not only falls within the prerogatives of the French state, but is part of the obligations of the State.
Otherwise, the responsibility of the French State is engaged, especially when the person concerned is an official of the French State, targeted and trapped in the exercise of its functions, by dishonest and tortious methods.
To reappear the "disappeared" individual would ensure the implementation of declarations of the beneficial owners, in accordance with the spirit of the law, under normal conditions, such as those provided by the anti-money laundering law and the French Monetary and Financial Code.
2) Moreover, to bail out the coffers of the state, it would be enough simply to recover the money that crossed the French borders illegally, and therefore tax-free, in order to reduce public deficits.
In fact, it is neither more nor less than the goal sought by the international guidelines.
Given all the existing provisions in French law, in terms of anti-money laundering, it is not difficult to apply the latter by updating large networks.
It's only a question of political will, since I, myself, simple citizen lambda, perfectly identify all these networks.
(The basic text in this regard, being Article 324-1 of the French Penal Code).
Especially since the implementation of the aforementioned provisions falls within the sovereign prerogatives of the French State, as well as in the international commitments subscribed by France, in application of treaties in which France is a party.
3) Lastly, let us not forget that, under the presidency of Mr. Nicolas SARKOZY, legislative provisions were made which provide for the confiscation of mafia patrimonies by the French State: it is enough to apply them.
a) Structurally, if we can talk about "structure»......
The authors of all these dysfunctions are the members of certain occult pganizations (and their accomplices), who infiltrate all places of power.
b) This self-proclaimed pseudo-elite positions itself above the law, while it enjoys no legitimacy.
Only universal suffrage could give it legitimacy; now, the pharmacies recruit by cooptation, in the occult, the surplus outside any official Republican system.
They therefore have no legitimacy to exercise any power whatsoever, on any citizen whatsoever, except to engage in a strange misuse of powers, via mounts and misleading stagings that do not legally take the road.
c) Moreover, all these occult organizations have sectarian hints.
d) This pseudo-elite is found in different sectors of society (civil servants, regulated professions, elected politicians, a "certain" wicked world of business and services that uses legal activities to better hide its activities and practices sulphurous, etc ...) (non-exhaustive list).
If their methods impact all of France, the system is particularly virulent in the Center region.
e) In addition, these occult organizations act illegally.
The methods used by these individuals fall under the French Penal Code, and the scope are wide since we can scan the entire Penal Code and apply it.
- Wiretapping, trespassing on the premises and violation of my business and private premises, assault on vehicle, spinning, attempts to internment in addition through the judicial, court proceedings full of forgery in writing, violation of the box letters, nuisance tripping of the alarm system, professional delisting attempts, anonymous night phone calls ....
- Are not we saying that the same methods and abuses have been applied to companies (short and not exhaustive list):
All of these assaults constitute a targeted attack on the economic fabric.o Assault and sabotage within companies (the objective being to destroy or divert the assets of these companies):o Arson and threats of fireo Sabotage of the work tool,o Misappropriation of goods and theft of goods via organized networkso Instrumented judicial procedures and instrumented bankruptcy
f) It should not be forgotten that the exactions of these individuals help to make them take their brains, in their small harmful microcosm.
g) At the psychological level, the perpetrators of these abuses have perverse personalities, characterized by "their internal emptiness, their external destructiveness, their lack of scruples, guilt or anguish" .... "It is on human quality that the pervert exercises envy and destructiveness envious" (Yves PRIGENT - Ordinary cruelty - Desclée de Brouwer - 2004 - page 41).
h) The individuals belonging to these occult organizations are destroyers and creators of chaos, particularly in the French economy.
As opposed to business creators, who contribute to economic development and provide employment.
i)In addition, even if you have to open an open door, let us not forget that the corruption that these individuals practice is a source of poverty.
- When will a real reform of justice really guarantee the independence of justice?
- When will the end of identity theft in court proceedings?
- When will an acceleration of the procedural deadlines, knowing that prolonged delays "instrumentalized" cost too much to the litigants, as well as to the French State, and thus to the taxpayers at the end ?
- When is the end of the forgery?
Is it not inadmissible to wait ten years for the outcome of an artificial judicial procedure, to recover an indisputable claim?